Anthony Fry Poems

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Yolo Decasyllabon Elegy.

You Only Live Once.
Heartbreak as your eyelids close.
Dreams will all reap perfect peace.
Nightingales in all of our tales.

Jersey Aye Maluv!

Jersey early morn crow a cock.
Conger and marigold soup lots.
Jersey aye maluv!

'A Paradigm.'

Our peace of owning a sweet dreaming pillow for slumber.
Dream what you want to dream about, tranquil Paradise.
A philosophy of science, a specific way of viewing reality.
Observations, of a polysemic social psychology science.

Zig - Zag.

Medieval - History.
Witches - Warlocks.
Merchant - Peasant.
Daughters - Wives.

Divine Wild Jersey Haretail.

Beating loudly in your strong heart, we can hear that proudness.

Proudest thing I heard a Jersey woman say was, " I loved him."

A Famous Swashbuckler Springs To Mind.

Us embarking on majestic voyages to paradise.
Endless ocean journeys of emotional fatigues.
Wandering Young fit virulent handsome men.
Restless swashbucklers, a dashing personality.


From the Musa-Acuminate crossed,
with the Musa-Baalbisiana combined,
Oh! ripe firm pulp so creamy smooth.


Beautiful songs sung by strangers, piercing echoes through long hot summer days.
Silent sunset, streaks of silky yellow light, a golden glow, passionate cool twists.
Sunlight yellow lichened walls, intimacy secretly spiced with timeless possibilities.
White clouds building bridges, wonderful roads sailing from earth into blue sky.

Death Is A Realization Of Life's Emptiness.

Death Is A Realization Of Life's Emptiness.

Death Is A Realization Of Life's Emptiness.
We grieve for that sad loss when loved ones pass on.


Love is all about happiness.
Love is for each other every day.
Love is being imaginative and creative.
Love is stronger than a man's convictions.

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