Antwan Graham Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Death Of A Samurai

I walk by myself only not to be alone
Iam in deep meditation with my awful mind
Iam mad
Iam angry

2 Sides Of A Human

Pain filled with selfish lies the lies of one to be told by many
people try to be perfect only to be corrupted by their flaws
Happyness is only lasted for the moment it happen the next moment is silent
Crying is useless cause the begining was heartless


It wasnt suppose to be like this
Nor turn
Nor twist into a kiss
Looks can be deceiveing

Never Alone

When the one you love leave you
You are alone
When the person in the whole entire world you could depend on leaves
You are alone

I'Am Leo

I move as if i'am invisible
I talk as if my very voice was filled with thunder
I carry myself as if i was majestic
I'am Leo

Sorry Pt.2

Your words were true
You was serious
My actions toward you were inmature
So my actions let you break away

(freestyle) Take It How You Feel

Not Enough But To Much

When a normal conversation turns twisted
When a simple harmless joke gets out of hand
Enough has been said
When friends think that they could loke without a harm


The things people say or do that can't be expalined
Not at that moment in time
But later things have the tendency to resurface
An explanation isn't what you get

Two Years Ago

Two years ago i never heard of cheraw
Two years ago a person never heard of thomasville
Two years ago i would never thought i would consider life in sc
Two years ago

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