Aram Stefanian Poems

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Violet Night

You recover consciousness after falling into a blackout
And wonder what's just happened to your keen vision.
Capable of seeing everything but yourself, you voice a doubt
If you still exist in time and space, or is that an illusion?


When a thunderbolt struck her beemer, Meg freaked out.
The brakes screeched as she tried frantically to stop the car.
It bumped against something, and Meg heard a piercing shout.
She got out and faced a winged entity looking so bizarre.


One Sunday afternoon when the sky was clear as mud,
A bright elliptical shaft of light descended upon the earth.
All the eyewitnesses later contracted the creeping-crud
And transformed into monsters claiming they were of alien birth.

The Sign

Out of nowhere appeared a dark angel before Tor,
A fear inspiring messenger with piercing blue eyes
Who said, ''That we'll fly into heaven now, I'm sure.
I need a trusty pard to tab those rebels in disguise

The Sign 2

Tor saw stars and had a flashback to the Dark ages.
He stood on a narrow deserted street of his hometown.
Seeing a remote chapel, he covered a distance in early stages.
A loud shriek came from the inside, ''I'll shoot you down! ''

The Sign 4

When Tor went down to earth, he was amazed to see
The people worship the beast that had a wound of a sword
From which spurted black blood, and Tor recalled the prophecy-
The infamous name and the number of the beast did accord

Una Vida Sin Amor

Your favorite angel has spent all of his arrows-
Love no longer makes you thrill, it's dead and gone.
In your footsteps blind fate desperately follows,
Blotting out a memory of your cherished onliest one.


Death placed you in his ebony citadel of nullity;
No ray of sunshine can penetrate a stygian void.
Neither alive nor dead, you're choking with ferocity,
A grudge against merciless fate turns you into a paranoid.

Back To Earth

I live in a world of fantasy that does not exist;
Where time has stopped, and the grim reaper is no skipper.
The dwellers from the faraway stars are on the guest list,
The mountains are higher here, and the oceans deeper.

My Beloved Angel

My beloved angel can never tune me out-
He is the one who helps me reach to God.
That he cannot leave me in the pits I have no doubt
And hope that for heaven I could get the nod.

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