Ari Castillo

Ari Castillo Poems

My mind, body and spirit are strong
I take time each day to rejuvenate and recharge
I draw from deep well of peace and calm
I breathe in strength and release my fears

i love my new best friend the blade
It cuts the pain away out of my body
I love my new best friend The blade
As i cut into my skin a smile appears

Help me please understand why i was abused
Why did my father hate? Beat me?
Why did he take my hope, dreams away?
Why did he take my faith in god?

Traped inside...

Traped inside and can't come out,

I hide the pain behind the smile on my face
i can't take this pain anymore wish it was all over
I hide the pain behind the smile on my face
How i wish it was all over

what happens to the abused child after the abuse end?
Do they forget the abused and move on?
Or does the abused taunts them everyday?
Can an Abused child ever forget being abused?

shes not like that now. she knows better
she knows now that people lie & promises
can be broken as quickly as theyre made..
she understands that she might never be

Am looking in the mirror try to see or find something beautiful
Am looking in the mirror and not reconizing what i see
Am looking in the mirror and seeing a scared lil girl
that need help to carry on


I have the eyes of innocence
the face of an angel
a personalty of a dreamer
and a smile thats hides more

Theres a place...

Theres a place where the sun always shine, theres a place where everything will be fine...

The sky get's dark and the world becomes stark,

Can't you see? Don't you care
I want to die?
Don't you listen? Can't you hear
My silent cry?

Secrets, secrets
Lies, lies
She sits in her room,
and cries and cries.

Today i meet a great friend
who knew me right away
It was funny how she understood
All i had to say

u woke me up in the middle of the night
but this night was diffrent from the rest u didn't wake
me up to hit or touch me u woke me up cause your scared of dieing
i was only 14 u told me that the cocaine u took had somethin in it that

Trying to escape the past...
I'm back from the dead,


I heard u comin thru the door late at night
i shiver in my bed and i pray
i pray that tonight u go straigth to ur room
but like every other night u come in to my room

i was only 9 when u stared to touch me
daddy i was only 9 when u came into my room
and stared to touch my body u told that you could do that
daddy i was only 9 when u took my inocent away

That girl's broken inside&out
Walking alone at night in the rain
Nowhere to call home, No arms to run to
She's hugging herself, Protecting herself against the cold

The Best Poem Of Ari Castillo


My mind, body and spirit are strong
I take time each day to rejuvenate and recharge
I draw from deep well of peace and calm
I breathe in strength and release my fears
I go after my heart's deep desires
I can accomplish anything I focus on my goal and have the strength to make it happen
I choose to be unstoppable I am strong I act in spite of my fears
I am bigger than my concerns and worries
I can do anything i put my mind to
Each day i am getting stronger
I can take care of myself
The strength of others inspires me daily
I trust my intuition and live a courageous life

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