Arielle Nelson

Arielle Nelson Poems

I am just girl who wants to escape from a place where she doesn’t want to be,
a girl who’s spirit can finally be set free.
I am journeying to a place where I can finally be able to express myself,
instead of being that unread book on that shelf.

Isolation the feeling of wanting to be by yourself in silence away from everyone,
because you know you are not good enough and will never fit in.
The feeling that you were another one of world mistakes that wasn’t supposed to happen
and wasn’t meant to be.

Everytime I lose one of my closest friends a whole digs deeper in my heart,
but when I lose someone I loved, someone I’ve known from the very start
I try to hide my emotions where no one can see
so that people wouldn’t judge the real me

I feel like a ghost always left out or behind,
like no one can see me are they really that blind.
They always pretend or forget that I am even there,
like I am just a empty space out in the open air.

Every time someone bullies we lose another person by our side,
due to the person extreme depression, they decided to commit suicide.
Thought that death was the only possible way,
for them to finally escape away from their fate.

When others call me names they don’t know how much it hurts me it weighs my heart down it lowers my self esteem,
but when people don’t stop my emotions build up inside of me and it makes me want to run away and scream.
When you hurt others you don’t know how it feels to be made fun of by others,
whether it’s your parents, classmates, sisters, or even your brothers.

Arielle Nelson Biography

Am 13 years old and love writing poems and books based on my life experience.)

The Best Poem Of Arielle Nelson

Social Isolation

I am just girl who wants to escape from a place where she doesn’t want to be,
a girl who’s spirit can finally be set free.
I am journeying to a place where I can finally be able to express myself,
instead of being that unread book on that shelf.
Why do I keep holding on to the promise land,
where I can be free…. to be who I am.

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