Audrey Heller Poems

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A Calming Effect

When feeling full of stress, before
you try to go to bed, pour yourself
a glass of milk and it's sure to clear,
your head! It has a calming effect,

A Time To Live And A Time To Die

There's a time to live and a time, to die,
so we shouldn't let, precious time, go by!
No one knows, what tomorrow will bring,
just live and enjoy everyday! There's no

Put On A Happy Face

In the times, we live in, just
about everybody, has a
problem, or two! The things,
we thought were safe, have

Acts Of Kindness

Little acts of kindness, toward those you
love, will get your message across, loud
and clear. Words, at this point, aren't
necessary, as they'll hear only, what

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It's not what you say, it's the things
you do, that makes someone feel
confident in you. Nice words all of
us like to hear. But actions speak

A Good Listener

Being a good listener, is very
important, in any relationship.
It helps to understand, what a
person is about. If you give

My Grandson

Let me tell you about my grandson.
'Do you have all day'? For once I
get started, there's so much I have
to say! If asked to describe him,

Silent Letters

Who's idea was it, to put the silent
letters in words? It makes no sense,
to me. When the word is said, you
hear it, phonetically. Why do we

Holding A Grudge

It's not good, to go around and
hold a grudge, in fact, what would
it take, to make you budge? You
become the loser, if you keep on

There's Things We Can Learn Everyday

Look at life, as a challenge, don't give
up, or give in! Don't ever feel sorry for
yourself, or you never, can win! Each
day, has something new to enfold,

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