Barry Middleton Poems

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A Woodland Night

My childhood ramblings were so long ago,
and time obscures the traces of the past.
The sun no longer burns in afterglow,
but leaves a mark that always tends to last.

Images Of Evil

I hear the beating wings,
leather clad with scales of fire,
the dragon circling the earth.
Within a steel gray cloud,

If Only Dreams

If only dreams could meet the day,
and love could settle on the earth,
then I would surely know the way,
to hold the only prize of worth.

The Middle Of Somewhere

I'd like to be
in the middle of somewhere
away from this crazy world

No One Escapes

a soldier dies on foreign soil
regardless how the just might toil
the eons pass but man cannot break free

The Mute Sky

yes I would send a warning to the sky
to bring a rain to quench desire
the clouds are cruel and mute

Never Enough Time

there is never enough time
for anything or anyone you love

as we grow old regret sets in

Last Fantasy

there was a land of innocence
that I left long ago
where fantasy fulfilled desire
a place I used to know

A View From Space

the storm took away my memories
I would return but there is nothing there
the house is crushed like an eggshell
the trees I knew salvaged for the fire

Storm Seasons

the storm season is here
it is only a matter of time
thunderheads bloom and drift
in the overheated air

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