Barry Middleton Poems

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A Home On The Bayou

how many have I seen
the waters slow and dark
that haunted secret paths
that time almost forgot


the autumn is not a season of roses
the spring is far way

the colors of the fall are beautiful

Longer Days

the days seem longer
the way they seemed
when I was just a child

Completing Seventy

seventy springs have passed away
I see a new magnolia bloom
the breeze that drifted into May
bids me to leave my shuttered room

Acquainted With Darkness

I met the darkness as a child
it seemed to dwell among the trees
when night had fallen on the woods
to cast a chill upon the breeze

The Paris Accord

A drought is almost like despair,
but then there comes a flood.
The cycles of the patient earth,
run deep within our blood.

Final Home

all boys and trees grow old and die
but certain things remain the same
the woods I wandered as a child
where haunted places laid a claim

The Eternal Boy

a boy who would never grow old
decided the world of adults
was lonely and bitterly cold
and he could get better results

A Woodland Voice

What might be my Rosebud?
I have no token of my youth,
no snow globe to remind me.

Mr. Black

Mr. Black was always watching.
He watched us from his mossy home,
hidden within a hollow beech.
He lurked in mists beyond our reach.

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