becca hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Daydream Happy

the colors of the black and white screen
the hush of the lions roar
the joy of a horrific scream
the bang of a gently creaking door

Hidden Messges

ASJHTWQYSHVBDSTHADWJGWQJdgasyawedvajsgtewhedjuyfgashdfguiewrfhaveievertoldyouhowmuchiloveyou@! #^%! @#) @? ? ? ? ? ? $#^! *#@(%#&@&! #JSDGAKUEDVJSADUASDbbbbbbbbbbecuase) (#$*@#$SF(#JSFlkasfhkadjfhaksdfadsasdasdfasfyouralmostallihaveinthislifethatsnotworthliving_@(P$&@! #(*&*! @&#^*@! #butbecuase) (@#$(! @*#$! youare@! #$@$THEREFORME! #@@@@@@@@@@@i@@@@@willq0492398ysdasdalways203498q234be-324there0723498234for2309480234you...

Why Did...

why did you have to change
go the total opposite direction
why did you have to lie
just to maintain protection

Controll Me Not..

i needed you
my world revolved around you
you were everything i wanted and more

The Two Lists In My Life

in my life i have two lists.
one: things i dont miss
two: things i DO miss

Tired Of Feeling Like This

im tired of feeling like this
trying to stay all bottled up..
convincing myself im happy
when im not

I Am

I am curios and helpful
I am the mountains in the distance
I am the crash of symbals hitting the floor
I am a spirit, wandering in and out freely

Stand In His Pride

there was a time
when life was rough
there was a time
when i thought that they were enough

You Came In Timee

i feel sick and worn
torn, left alone
don't want to be
me, dont want to shw

At This Moment

as i sit here
in this room all to myself
just thinking all alone
about how ive got no one else

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