Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
From Sunrise To Evening

E-arly seventeenth January morn,
D-elightful day begins to break;
E-xpression of sheer happiness
M-akes your heart far from the ache.


M-orning breeze brings freshness
A-s the dawn begins to break;
R-ising sun reflects early
I-n the river, stream and lake.

On Your Birthday

J-anuary fourth early morn,
E-vening shadows are gone;
A-nother dawn is breaking,
N-ew day has just begun.

A Glad Lady In Beautiful January

G-ood morning sunshine
L-ets the dawn break with glee;
A-iming to make a beautiful
D-ay of mirth and ecstasy.

A Splendid Sight

S-weet smell of the morning
H-overs in the fresh air;
E-mission of fragrant scent
R-eplenishes the birth affair.

A Shining Sight

A-nother dawn has broken,
R-ising sun leaves the night;
N-ew chapter has just begun,
E-arly beacon brings ray and

God Shall Not Fail You

R-emember the memorable moment
A-bout the day of your birth;
U-nderneath the wide blue sky,
L-et eleventh January be full of mirth.

Elevate Into The Zenith

L-et me send this warm wish
O-n fourteenth day January;
R-emembering your birthday,
R-ecalling the morning beauty.

Roll With The Punches

R-oll with the punches,
O-utsmart the situation;
L-ife changes constantly,
L-etting you get up, not

Happy Birthday To You

H-appy birthday to you,
A-s I greet you with a smile;
R-emembering this moment
I-n a day-long while.

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