Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Majestic Life

M-ajestic life you live
A-ims to bring beauty;
R-efined form of faith
I-s wonderful to see.

Earn The Others' Respect

M-en's given respect
H-as to be ardently earned;
A-sking is not an option,
R-equest too is just burned.

Live Against All Odds

S-oar against all odds,
A-bove the clouds in the sky;
R-each the silver lining,
A-im to fly so

Meaning Of Man's Life

M-eaning of man's life
A-ims to teach a lesson
R-egarding the Maker's plan
I-n carrying out His creation.

Man Lives To Serve

M-an lives to serve,
Y-es, it's our main duty;
R-eturning to the Maker,
A-fter being slaved by iniquity.

Look At The Love

L-ook at the love
O-f God that He sends;
R-ealize that His blessing
I-s like a river that never

Inner Torment

M-ental pain and tears
A-re caused by inner torment;
U-se your faith to triumph,
R-efrain from being discontent.

Never Decide On Your Own

F-eel free to rely on God,
E-ven though you have the wisdom;
M-oney, like fame and power
I-s unable to buy His kingdom.

Celebrate Your Sweet Success

C-elebrate your sweet success,
R-efrain from being gray;
I-t's time to receive the honor,
S-eptember fifteenth Friday.

Value The Time

J-ust value the time
O-r the moment you spend;
S-econd within the minute
I-s coming to an

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