Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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Close To The Bone

Criticism can cut close to the bone,
An area where sensitivity hides;
Make it rather close to the vest,
so squabble won't start from both sides.

Woes Will Disappear

D-awn December twentieth,
A-s the bright rays ascend;
N-ew hopes whisper and soar,
T-ill the shadows

Twenty Sixteen

H-ere comes the twenty sixteen,
A-s the past days disappear;
P-eople pray to Father for
P-rosperous and fine fresh

Burn The Walls, Build The Bridges

Burn the walls, build the bridges,
For the gap is wide asunder;
Destroy the hedge of bitterness,
And remove the big barrier.

Remembering 29th Morn In December

L-et me send these warm wishes
A-bout the day you were born;
A-llow me to greet you,
R-emembering December morn;

The 30th Dawn Of December

R-emembering your birthday
E-xplains how important you are;
S-ince the day you were born
A-stounding sight shines like a star.

Born On New Year's Eve

C-herish the special moment,
Z-ealously live in gladness;
A-llow the joy to dwell in your heart,
R-emembering the day in happiness.

Umbrella Of Faith

Trials are just unstoppable,
They are like the cold falling rain;
Endurance we all truly need
To weather the strong storm of pain.

Fix What's Been Broken

A broken leg has undergone
Or been subjected to fracture;
It takes a lot of pain and time
Before the injury will cure.

Each Step That I Take

Short steps and strides
Make me do different paces;
Accelerated brisk walk and run
Make me leave the traces.

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