Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Right Path You Tread On

A-s you tread on the right path,
N-ever let your mind go amiss;
N-either eye will turn blind to the promised glorious bliss.

Sunshine Is In Sight

S-unshine is in sight,
H-aze is nowhere in view;
E-vening chill passes by,
R-aindrops depart from

In Your Name

R-ight there in your name
O-ne message finds a way;
B-irthday of you has come,
E-arly twenty-eighth of May.

Obedient To The Almighty

E-ver obedient to the Almighty,
M-inister of God shows meekness;
I-n spite of hard persecution,
L-ife's trials, travail, and distress.

Come Into The Fold

C-ome into the fold,
H-ome of the true sheep;
A-lmighty God is calling you, so wake up from your sleep.

Right Place And Time

R-ight place and time,
U-nder the Lord God's will;
T-omorrow will be brighter,
H-ome is filled with thrill.

Victory In Life

V-ictory in life
I-s for those who believe;
L-oss and defeat
M-ake the doubters never

Obey First And Never Complain

J-ust obey first and never complain,
U-nder the Lord God's command;
N-ever express discontent, as you ought to understand.

Mind's Mirth

M-ind's mirth is brought,
E-cstasy is far from blue;
R-apture remains inside,
L-et the joy comfort

Every Moment Of Your Life

E-very moment of your life
V-ies to defeat the foe;
E-arly thirtieth of May
L-ets not the mirth turn into woe.

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