Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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On Your Birthday

J-anuary fourth early morn,
E-vening shadows are gone;
A-nother dawn is breaking,
N-ew day has just begun.

A Glad Lady In Beautiful January

G-ood morning sunshine
L-ets the dawn break with glee;
A-iming to make a beautiful
D-ay of mirth and ecstasy.

Firm In Faith

M-idnight moon is gone
A-s the morn is breaking;
N-ew day dawns early
U-ntil the sun comes shining.

Quest For Contentment

Meaningful life doesn't mean riches,
And wisdom or even fame,
Real happiness comes from
The inner peace that knows no shame.

Choose Your Goal

Comes a time when you want to do
the things you don't want to;
At that moment you shall find the need
to make a choice is knocking on you.

New Promise In Large Amount

J-ust open your mind and think
O-f the blessings that count;
N-ovember fifth day has brought
N-ew promise in large

In The Holy City

Set your eyes on what lies ahead,
not on what you see around;
Undertake to learn things
teaching lessons that do abound.

In Composure

Think and contemplate
About things that have gone wrong;
Learn from failures patiently,
Or even if it takes too long.

From The Sky

New day breaks after the night,
dawning as the sun is up;
Inviting the red beacon
to keep on rising and never stop.

The New Dawn

Be firm, steadfast and strong,
Abounding in faith, hope, and love;
Get it on and redouble the effort,
striving for the prize from above.

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