Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love God With All Your Heart

L-ove God with all your heart,
Y-our soul and your mind;
N-ever turn away from Him, He shall never leave you behind.

From The Far East

F-rom the far east,
E-vangelist works with vigor;
L-ord Almighty's righteous hand
I-s the preacher's

Good For A Lifetime

R-emain good for a lifetime,
I-n love with each other;
C-herish the sacred marriage,
H-oping to last forever.

Beautiful Break Of Dawn

B-eautiful break of dawn
E-ntertains your eyes;
L-ight it has brought
L-ets you see the sunrise.

Making Both Ends Meet

M-aking both ends meet
A-ims to get it all right;
R-esource of daily needs
I-s clearly in

Let Life Live In Love

L-et life live in love,
O-n the fifteenth of May;
R-age and hate are cast,
N-egative deeds are thrown

Early Light Is In View

E-arly light is in view,
L-ook at the sun rising;
I-t's a beautiful breaking dawn,
Z-one of dark is

Learn To Beat The Time

L-earn to beat the time,
A-s the clock is running out;
I-n spite of the moment left,
Z-ealously think what it's all

Cannot Help But Write

C-annot help but write,
H-owever awake or sleepy;
R-egardless of the place,
I-n bed, in bus, or under the tree.

One Morning May Nineteen

K-iss the mist goodbye,
H-aze has been thrown;
A-nother day has broken,
N-ew dawn meets its

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