Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Solemn Swear

S-olemn swear to the Lord
A-ims to bring vigor;
M-aking mistake keeps you
A-way from any

Gold-Paved Path

G-old-paved path in heaven
I-s in store for the flock;
G-lorify the Lord God,
I-n spite of the block.

Bright Beacon

R-ays of the bright beacon
H-ave wakened you up from bed;
O-pen your eyes to the future,
N-ever ignore what lies

Meaningful Message

M-eaningful message mends
Y-our soul, mind, and heart;
R-ise of the morning beacon
A-ims to bring a fresh start.

Joy Is Finally Found

J-oy is finally found, when mirth fills your mind;
O-ctober sixteenth Monday, loneliness is far behind.

A-s joy is finally found,

Hello Good Luck

B-ye jinx, hello good luck,
E-arly beacon begins to ascend;
L-et the sunshine appear,
L-et the darkness

Sworn Statement

S-worn statement to the Lord
H-as obliged you to obey;
E-ven though the clouds gather,
I-n spite of the darkest day.

God's Grace

G-od's grace gives gladness,
E-very time it reaches your door;
R-apture is truly felt,
S-hare it with your neighbor.

Miss Not The Passing Day

M-iss not the passing day,
A-s there's lesson to learn;
R-ead the events that occur,
I-nspiration you shall

When A Poet Ponders

When a poet ponders,
He uses his emotion;
Things come to his senses,
All turn into inspiration.

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