Bethany Sparkster Thompson

Bethany Sparkster Thompson Poems

riding bikes to flying kites,
going on adventures and seeing the sites
They were good times and bad but over all we ware happy not sad
I was your girl and you was my granddad and that's all there is to that.

I crave your blood every night and day
I here you heart beat from a mile away
But when you cry I feel your pain
I want to help but I'm afraid,

Angle of dark angle of night
take me into your mysterious light
As you draw me in I feel so calm
I yet don't know its hells alarm

Fine line between love and hate, heaven and hell so haters hate

I no where I am going at the end of the day, its all about the journey along the way,

The Best Poem Of Bethany Sparkster Thompson

My Granddad

riding bikes to flying kites,
going on adventures and seeing the sites
They were good times and bad but over all we ware happy not sad
I was your girl and you was my granddad and that's all there is to that.
We were a team me and you,
you was proud of me and I was proud of you too

when I was younger you was the man I looked up to
when I was on your shoulders I new I wouldn't fall
I had to grow up and that's a shame but I promise you my feelings never changed
Now your gone to a better place,
watching down on me so I am not afraid, even when I am in my darkest place,
your an angle now and the best the got.

I don't no why heavens so for away
but hay if it wasn't you no I would come for the day
all I know is that I love you
and the memories we had were for me and you to hold on to forever
so I warn, t give up
I warn, t brake down
because I no sooner than its seems
life turns around,
I will be strong even when it all goes wrong
when I am standing in the dark ill still believe
someone's watching over me.

I need to go now and so do you
it would be only selfish of me to keep you,
go shine that ray of light because ill be a looking at only one sky tonight

P.S. I will always love you

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