Bianca J. Walker

Bianca J. Walker Poems

It's illogical and unrealistic to choose to be happy.
Don't force feed me sugar capsule ideology pills in
in the form of a New York Times best seller, about
emotions I can't control, from an author who knows

You don’t understand the difficulty
in trying to love someone whose never
felt love. To offer your inner being to
someone incapable of feeling.

Not much has changed since you’ve been gone.
I awake in the morning.
I sing my favorite songs.
I fall asleep at night with the bathroom light on.

The Best Poem Of Bianca J. Walker

Choose To Be Happy

It's illogical and unrealistic to choose to be happy.
Don't force feed me sugar capsule ideology pills in
in the form of a New York Times best seller, about
emotions I can't control, from an author who knows
nothing about my life, or my capacity to endure.

Many of these ideals about happiness are mythology, no
more real than unicorns or fairies, when the authenticity
of that smile on your face is a fallacy, when behind your
reflection lies misery; and once you’re out of the
company of your friends, you cry alone in your bed,
feeling forsaken, asking why this happened to you,
and what you did to deserve this.

Happiness cannot be forced.

Pain at some point in your life will have his way with you,
regardless if you want him too, no matter how you try
to protect yourself from him. Eventually, we’re all his
victim, but what we can choose… is to heal.

Love, sadness, happiness, life’s core emotions can’t be
manipulated or facilitated to satisfy our aspirations.

This choice to be happy that’s advertised on T-Shirts and
in books, is nothing more than a façade, a carefully crafted
illusion to erase unpleasant emotions, deep rooted in our
existence, so we form an addiction to their interpretation,
all the while building a collection of self help books, and
Dr. So and So choose to be happy and take control tutorials.

I know…I’ve been there. Choosing to be happy will
swallow you whole leaving you defeated, asking yourself
“why can’t I get through this? . I know that I’m stronger than this”, but the truth that we ignore is that sometimes…we are not ready.

It’s best to move ahead steady, and heal ourselves
before we try so diligently to be happy, first we must
be strong enough to embrace the vulnerability, and open
ourselves to the possibility.
Happiness like pain, forces her way into your well being.
She doesn’t give you the option to choose, you c lose your
eyes, open your heart, and she has completely engulfed you,
when you are not looking or least expect it; often when you
don’t even want it, she will find you.

Heal first…at your own pace and happiness will be your conclusion. Choosing to be happy is simply not a solution it’s a momentary illusion.

2008 The Rape of the Virgin Mind: A journey in words & poetry.

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