Bill Grace Poems

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A Prose Piece As Poetry Eulogizing Dwight Eisenhower

'The death of President Eisenhower takes from our midst a great Ameican, a great statesman and military leader who served our country in peace and war with sound judgment and outstanding courage.' Speaker of the House John McCormack

In Washington tonight the heart of Dwight David Eisenhower is still. He passed gently from us at 12: 25 this afternoon. President, General of the Army, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Supreme Commander of N.A.T.O., author, and former President of Columbia University; all prove an inadequate measure of the man. For Dwight Eisenhower was the embodiment of an American dream.

A Mother's Day Approbrium

The woman who most in our church would vote a saint
Shared that if she had known at birth
The pain that that young infant would bring
The destruction of inheritance, lawyers, counselors, judges and debt

Education's Tandem Rig

A great teacher is kinetic art
(as surely as any gal who ever played the pole.)
They move and think and teach
are invested in a way the hirelings are not.

Phoo On You Robert Browning!

Phoo on you Robert Browning
Not for your poetry but your theology:

'God's in his heaven

Front Page

On the front page of the newspaper
the beautiful woman wipes her tear
The copy beneath details a decade ago loss.
In Texas a bonfire that killed twelve is a big deal.

:) Poetry Of 12 Words

Cat on lap
Tock of clock
Wife sings
Work ends

Rilke's Dictum

These marks of meaning
Must strike to paper as I breathe
When there are no fresh lines here
You know I'm gone


'Arise go forth and conquer.' - Tennyson
The poster said with young duckling pictured and quoting big T
I can still celebrate that spirit though old
But know that for duckling to grow to duck


"The Paris Review" holds treasures.
I start by reading others.
Hanging Loose Press was discovered tonight.
These words will never be published.

Winter Respite In Texas

Yellow sunlight
the grass
to a bed

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