Bill Grace Poems

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Pioneers always suffer
They are the ones who believe
but do not know.
The ones who tamed a land

The Death Of The Female Cardinal

The cat did not understand
Our revulsion at her trophy
That the victim had a personality
As fully developed as the huntress

The Future Theolog's First Blink From Sleep

It was an English publication - 1932,
In the States a rough equivalent of 'Better Homes and Gardens'
But there was one strange twist as
It sang of one glorious enough to be:

The Edge Of Theology

On Being Retired

The surprise in being well retired
Are the things that are no longer discretionary
To help keep you on the planet:
The pills, the exercise, the nutritional care

The Tale Of The Yoplait Skunk

It came, it saw, the container it thought it conquered
Held so fast that two days captive in it found no release
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Were before this quiet tragedy helpless to help.

Reading Fairy Tales

Reading fairy tales to daughter
Has helped remind me in a friendly way
Of the world's complexities and that pride
Of which I am most culpable

On Torture

In the delirium of torture
Rommel's name was thrown and
His suicide was forced.
This general who had burned the Fuhrer's order

Marine Corps Dog Lady

When the threads were bronze
That kept me seperate
But before they turned to black
That would divide me even more

Scat Cat

The kitten does not understand
The shards of glass are not for kitten paws
And reprimand for oft sought food.
So we too are often guided by a higher power

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