Bill Grace Poems

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“Whenever life’s got you down and depressed
Just remember
That you were once the fastest sperm cell.”
Iain Craig

Mistaken Identity

For years I thought my face and being was real
But could never get swim goggles to truly seal
God sent lessons in the form of a child’s size
Which fitting perfectly made me realize

A Second Mistaken Identity

For years I thought my face and being was real
But could never get swim goggles to truly seal
God sent lessons in the form of a child’s size
Which fitting perfectly made me realize

How Strange The Ache Of Love

How strange the ache of loss for those we love
Mother, father, brother, sister, dog or cat or horse
The form does not seem to matter
It is love’s chord death snaps

My Mother’s Fierce Wisdom

When Uncle Don wanted to ship me off to boarding school
Despite his great status and being my father’s boss
Mom said: No!
She claimed finances as the rationale

The Last Bullet

At the league meet when Coach handed me the last bullet
I knew I was regarded as lower than whale shit
Having run his system for three seasons and never placed
There was nothing to lose - walking off was not an option

Limits Of A Casa G-D

The outside cat coming into the house
Is always a moment of anxiety for the casa god
Who has noted on more than one occasion
A certain massing of the inside forces

Tracking The Storm

Early morning lightning
Has power I will not dismiss
Counting the storm's movement by its strikes
Three miles, five then seven

Elizabeth Taylor Remembered

I know her only from afar
Her breathing not quite stilled upon the big screen as Cleopatra’s corpse
Her incomparable performance with Burton in “Virginia Wolf”
Drawing on the power of a strange darkness that could only come


The vultures feasted on the carcass all day
The goat that charmed on the church road could not stay

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