Bill Grace Poems

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Confession 71

Emily Dickinson's Proof

The poet's job is to write,
publication or even fame is incidental,
Emily Dickinson proves this.
Part of the poet's job is to write some truth

Jeremiah 20: 9 Translationloved By Bill Grace

Death From Another Perspective

Death is such a profound thing
that once we join it we no longer sing
but tarry with mountains, streams, stars and hills
in an expanding universe

Off Syllabus Education

A good professor once told me,
who had gone to war,
how the ladies of the night
had a particular and peculiar relish

Urban Dog Walk

Heroic Irony

The man who taught me
the phrase: "Joy of Life"
may have given it to me first in French
ultimately he found life so miserable

Elizabeth Bbbbbbbbbbbbbisshop Celebrated

Discovering you
at close to life's sunset
eyes with moist emotion
I understand that grisly determination to eat

Reflections On A Neighbor's Death - Marion Cook In Memoriam

If she worked as she lived
an opportunity was missed
in not lowering the flags to half mast
in salute to her passing from us.

Uncle Don Ii

When Eleanor Roosevelt came to the school
I was too young to understand the significance
of The Great Lady coming up Uncle Don's walk.
I will never understand the man

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