Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Poems

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A Day Of Sunshine

It was such a lovely sunshine-day,
The house and the yard couldn't hold me;
I roved to the woods, on my back I lay,
In cradle of fancy rolled me;


April for me I choose!
In it the old things tumble,
In it things new refresh us;
It makes a mighty rumble,-

A Sigh

Evening sunshine never
Solace to my window bears,
Morning sunshine elsewhere fares;-
Here are shadows ever.

The Dove

I saw a dove fear-daunted,
By howling storm-blast driven;
Where waves their power vaunted,
From land it had been riven.

Ballad Of Tailor Nils

If you were born before yesterday,
Surely you've heard about Tailor Nils, who flaunts him so gay.

If it's more than a week that you've been here,

Alone And Repentant

A friend I possess, whose whispers just said,
"God's peace!" to my night-watching mind.
When daylight is gone and darkness brings dread,
He ever the way can find.

You chosen men we welcome here
From brothers near.
We welcome you to Olaf's town

The Ocean

... Oceanward I am ever yearning,
Where far it rolls in its calm and grandeur,
The weight of mountain-like fogbanks bearing,
Forever wandering and returning.

Good Cheer

So let these songs their story tell
To all who in the Northland dwell,
Since many friends request it.

The Hare And The Fox

The fox lay still by the birch-tree's root
In the heather.
The hare was running with nimble foot
O'er the heather.

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