Bradley Lester Poems

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A Joyous Day

The wedding was a joyous day, a day of certain love
They joined their hands in tender bliss, a gift from God above
The beauty from within their hearts, was visible and true
The way they spoke, the way they looked, it seemed that they just knew

I Am Sorry For The Way I Was

I'm sorry for the way I've been, I know that I was wrong
I've hurt you so, my silent ways, it's not your fault you know
I dont know what is wrong with me, no words I have to say
My hardened ways unfair to you, the day you let me go

Will Your Camera Be My Eyes Please?

You hike at times you say, the hills so wondrous big
Please take a pic or two, I'd love to see the sight
Although I cannot smell, the crisp and coldy air
I'd love to see the pics, please take me on your flight

Unread Stories

I loved to write her stories, although I wasnt good
About our times of passion, about the closeness shared
The sexual thoughts excite me, about her awesome body
Wrapped so tight around me, in such a way she cared

We Washed My Car

It was a warm summers day
We washed my car outside
Talking, laughing, splashing
We washed the car with pride

You Didnt Seem So Happy For Me

I needed some reaction to the message that I'd sent
You wished me well I know, to tell you how it went
I somehow sense some tension? Perhaps I may be wrong
And if I am I'm sorry, but you must just be strong

Will You Make Love To Me Again?

Will you make love to me again
The way you did before?
Please baby say you will to me
Your body I adore

My Guilt Haunts Me

My guilt haunts me
Like rats in a cave
Scary and cold
Eerie and creepy

How Can I Not Love My Friend

How can I not love my friend
Who's done so much for me
She's shown me how to love again
And set my spirits free

You Were My Morning Laughter

You were my morning laughter
You've taken that from me
I cannot laugh the way I did
I cannot be just me

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