Bradley Lester Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Walk Away Or Sit And Stay

Walk away
Sit and stay
Turn and run
Stay have fun

I'M At The Crossroads

Love Too Hard My Weakest Link

Love too hard and feel the pain
Yet we choose to be this way
Love too hard and feel the hurt
Pushed aside be still and stay

She's Feeling Hurt I Told Her No

She's feeling hurt I told her no
She musnt feel this way
I'm glad we're friends instead of hate
This way I'm here to stay

Will I Always Be The One

Will I always be the one
Whom she can trust and talk
Or will she turn to someone else
The road she'll find a fork

Let Me Help You As Your Friend

Let me help you if you will
Your pride you must not hide
I'm here for you in humble grace
In me you can confide

I Just Know That She Still Likes Me

I know she still likes me, despite what went wrong
We laugh and have fun, our love is still strong
She cannot deny this, perhaps she wont say
I know she still likes me, in fact more today

Roses Are Red

Roses are red
But wither and fall
My heart for you
Will always stand tall

Her Words Are Kind And Soft

Her words are kind and soft
Like gentle breeze they flow
And warm my empty heart
They make it kinda glow

Broken Heart Will Mend In Time

Broken heart will mend in time
The hurt will leave my side
The pain will go behind closed door
And stay there safe and hide

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