Brian Hinckley Poems

Hit Title Date Added
She's A Tragic State

She's a tragic state,
seeing shadows behind every compliment.
Armor of hurt and betrayal gird her,
impenetrable by the sincerest of men.

Love Falters (But Never Fades)

Love is born like a child,
unsure of it's full potential.
Careening like a drunken sailor,
love is born off-balance and naive.

Dark, Mysterious, And Obviously Out Of Your Mind

You intrigue me,
dancing the way you do.
I am hypnotized,
locked to the flow of your body.

Circular Logic

I travel in circles,
my life forever looping.
What happens to me today,
I am doomed to repeat.


Economic woes and
foreign foes.
A million ways to die,
but no way to really live.

Love In Three Verse

Silent screams,
buried in liquor fumes.
Passionate kisses,
taste of self loathing.

When The Past Comes Rising To The Present

The past churns like a creek bed,
sending old memories floating to the surface.
What was once now is again,
a fresh cut over the old scar.

On The Line

My thoughts are out now,
heart on the line.
Take me as who I am,
or let me go free.

Where The Shadows Fade

A smile and a kind word broke through,
like a ram battering through a wall.
You're light touched my heart,
where the shadows begin to fade.

Limited Time Offer

You are given your ticket,
yet never any directions.
Trial and error is your guide,
spinning around in circles until the end.

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