Bridgid Patrick Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Caterpillar Cuisine

The caterpillar
is a greedy fella
And eats all he can see.
He doesn't know

Broken Dreams

Nothing in the world, it seems
Shatters like a broken dream
It is the ache behind the mean
Of shadows silent and unseen

Alpha Male

Had I been born an alpha male
(For sadly I was not) ,
I'd down my bourbon by the pail,
My chili by the pot.

Little Miss Understood

In silence did her mind despair
In solitude did weep.
Till time did every wound repair
and rest her soul in sleep.

Once Upon A Time

Never Meant To Be

Softly as a gentle breeze,
Love crept into my heart
So softly I did not realize
Until we came to part.

Forgotten Memories

It was long ago that you loved me
It was long ago that you cared
All just forgotten memories
Even the times we shared.

Reliably Unreliable

You were so reliably unreliable
Your Excuses? Barely viable
Your Betrayal? Incomparable
Your Feelings? Interchangeable

In Time I Wont Rhyme

I'd like to write a poem
And one that doesn't rhyme
But it's harder than I realised
I'm failing all the time

Can'T Think Of One

I need to write a poem
but I can't think of one.
I hope inspiration comes soon
before my page is done.

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