brittney holstein

brittney holstein Poems

i walk out onto the road, i can fel the cold, hard, wet ground under my feet..
i approach the yellow line, i stop in the center.
as i stand there waiting for a car to come its silent.
no noise except the sound of my breathing and the trickle of the creek in the nearby woods.

The Best Poem Of brittney holstein

Finally Done.

i walk out onto the road, i can fel the cold, hard, wet ground under my feet..
i approach the yellow line, i stop in the center.
as i stand there waiting for a car to come its silent.
no noise except the sound of my breathing and the trickle of the creek in the nearby woods.
wait i hear something..... its coming from around the bend, its a car its going fast.
as it nears i step out a little farther in the road. was there long enough to take a deep breath.
then i was gone. everything was all over, all my pain, all the guilt, its over.
all of its finally done

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