Carmela Patterson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
' Lord, God, I Thank Thee '

In the velvety black of the midnight sky
Sprinkled with a glitter of stars on high
What lies before me is a sight to behold ~
I would not trade it for rubies nor gold.

' Little Bundle '

Little bundle of pink fluff
You did not live long enough;
You stole my heart since first I saw you
Not to hear your voice, nor little coo,

' My Savior '

O my Jesus, my Savior, my Lord,
It is for us your blood was poured.
The hour soon approaches
As the time of your death encroaches

' Fly Me, Lord '

I see the swaying of the trees in the breeze -
I see their branches reach high in the sky;
In His Praise I'm brought to my knees -
My soul soars and I breathe a sigh.

What Color Is The Soul?

The soul is a prism reflecting the Light
The radiance of which blinds our sight
A soul so attuned soars to great height.

' With Thee I Want Always To Be '

Lord, teach me balance in my life,
How to weigh what is good and what is right,
How to see beauty and not dwell on strife;
Be Thou my everlasting Light.

' Fool For Christ '

Do Thou rend our hearts, O Christ Jesus.
Who art we that Thou should please us?

Thou lovest us without measure,

' O Lord, Thou Art '

O Lord, Thou art
Radiance Divine
Rapture Sublime
For all time.

' Open Hands '

Lord, you stand before me open hands extended;
I see those deathly wounds, your life expended!
I reach for them and my soul is at peace;
For my sins, Lord, forgive me, please.

'Who Do You Say I Am? '

My beloved, who do you say that I am?
Do you believe that I AM The Pure Lamb?

Are you blinded or do you truly see

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