Cassandra Boyd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
No Violins

No weeping or gnashing of teeth,
No pity or woes,

You Make Me Feel

Not a fiery inferno or a crackling blaze,
it’s a very sultry, steamy haze
that permeates from my core
when you kiss me here and there and

Chicago Stepper

I’m keeping it smooth, stepping so tight,
a Chicago Stepper’s in the house tonight.

It’s the end of the day, I’ve been patiently waiting.


What was that, that look I saw in your eyes as I turned to leave.
I couldn’t just walk away without one last look at you.
My heart skips, my knees are weak.
Your eyes speak volumes to me but your lips were silent.

'Cause You My Girl

I ain’t one of those hoochies that
will sleep with your man and
hang out with you at the club.

Echoes In My Head

Thoughts echoing through my brain.
Imprisoned with no where to go,
no one to tell. Caught in a silent hell.

Little Girl Found

I see her there,
peering out from the glass.
Faint traces of a little girl,
laughing while she plays,

Love Don'T Leave

Precious love, don’t leave me alone.
Stay by my side, fill me up.
gather me in your embrace,
keep me warm and safe.

Our Three Wise Men

You’ve brought so much to this world,
your wisdom is continuously heralded.
Your strength and determination cannot be forgotten
neither can your compassion and empathy for the

Wimps Don'T Grow In Gardens

When did parents stop raising their sons to be men.
Now is the time for reeducation to begin.
Women are tired of raising their children alone.
Men need to get it together and go home.

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