choco pie shreyasi

choco pie shreyasi Poems

A belief,
the most peculiar feeling.
a belief,
the most weirdest feeling.

something very magical,
something very spiritual,
something very mystical.
something to feel,

Somedays comes
only in a life time.
some are sour,
and some are fine.

did you ever imagined,
if life would be,
a computer system!
where the God

you & me,
makes a wonderful we,
it's something special about u,
that makes a simple 'we' sound a little new! !

Some special feelings,
Some beau-ideal dealings,
Have the power of healing,
It's beyond any meaning! !

life is a blank, fill it.
life is a problem, face it.
life is an equation, balance it.
life is a sum, solve it.

have you ever thought
there are many things,
that are not been taught.
that are the differences,

Smile is not a document or file,
which opens when ur mood is off,
and closes when ur mood is on.
smile is 'U' line,

my magic tree.
it gossips with me
whenever i am free.
it plays with me

frndship, frndship, frndship

frndship is a
ship to sail on

some little things,
can make us feel good,
this is true'touch wood! '
a little tune,

somewhere in a jungle
don't know where? ?
i was roaming here and there,
suddenly saw a magical angel

alas! life ad an undo button
when w are sad.
and are going mad.
when exams are rough,

One day…
A pleasant day …
I was looking out
From my window…

somewhere, sometime, somehow,
I saw a dream.
somewhere, here don't know where!
You stole my heart.

there are so many people,
who we know.
but the cutest relation,
is frndship to bow! !

there's a person,
in my life,
very special,
very beau-ideal.

sometimes i feel to fly up & up,
and feel to go high...
sometimes i feel to dive down & down,
in a place called 'water town'.

a feeling...
a feeling,
when we love to smile,
when we love to do work and compile,

choco pie shreyasi Biography

hello my name is shreyasi..i m 17 years old...n i love to write...anything n everything! !)

The Best Poem Of choco pie shreyasi

A Belief

A belief,
the most peculiar feeling.
a belief,
the most weirdest feeling.
a belief,
that can't be steal'd by any thief.

a belief,
it's nothing but a faith,
a faith on something,
a faith on someone,
but what do we get in turn,
it's nothing but just fake smiles
saying for 'a belief' you have to run miles.
but still searching for that belief,
we are left with only grief! !

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