Christopher Anstey Poems

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In Promptu

You say, my Friend, that every day
Your company forsaking,
In quest of news I haste away,
The Morning Post to take in:

In Promptu, To A Lady Enquiring

To brush the cheeks of Ladies fair,
With genuine charms o'erspread,

Inscription On A Cenotaph

This Cenotaph is sacred
to the Memory
Of those departed Warriors,
of the seventy--ninth regiment,

Liberality, Or The Decayed Macaroni

I am a decay'd macaroni,
My lodging's up three pair of stairs;
My cheeks are grown wondrously bony,
And grey, very grey, are my hairs:

Lines Inscribed To The Memory

O! Johnson, learned, venerable shade,
What havock of thy fame hath friendship made,
What childish trophies round thy manly bust,

Ode On An Evening View Of The Cresent At Bath

Lo! where beside yon verdant plain
Sweet Avon winds his way,
And smiling laves thy rich demain,
Sir Peter Rivers Gay,

On The Execution Of Mr. Coyghley For High Treason

Some wept, you say, when Coyghley was no more!
I wept, because he was not hang'd before.

On The Much Lamented

--Virtuous youth!
Thank Heav'n, I knew thee not--I ne'er shall feel
The keen regret thy drooping friends sustain;

On The Occasion

Worn with the raging gout's consuming fires,
The good Northumberland to Bath retires:
There Health awhile her flattering respite brings

To Colonel B. Hale, Upon The Death Of His Eldest Son

Not always o'er the meads and hills,
From low'ring clouds, the rain distils,
Nor storms with endless uproar sweep

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