Clark Ashton Smith Poems

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Dear one, what do we here ?
Petal by petal falls the alien spring
In gardens where we pass ungarlanded,
And seek once more the doves and myrtles dead

The Mime Of Sleep

My dreams are turned to some disordered mime:
A plot that pandemonian shadows feign
Ravels half told; and dead loves live again
In settings of distorted place and time:

Parnassus À La Mode

Erato and Melpomene stumble in the stews
Through purblind alleys where a soused Apollo falls;
And bards pour out upon the altars of the Muse
A sacrifice from cuspidors and urinals.

Snake, Owl, Cat Or Hawk

Will heed the downy nestlings
Of the dove the hunter slew?

Song Of The Necromancer

I will repeat a subtle rune—
And thronging suns of Otherwhere
Shall blaze upon the blinded air,
And spectres terrible and fair

To Omar Khayyam

Omar, within thy scented garden-close,
When passed with eventide
The starward incense of the waning rose—
Too precious to abide

To Nora May French (I)

Importunate, the lion-throated sea,
Blind with the mounting foam of winter, mourns
To cliffs where cling the wrenched and laboured roots
Of cypresses, and blossoms granite-grown

To A Mariposa Lily

Thou art the chalice of the sun;
Filled from the fountains of his light,
Thy rimming petals overrun
With nectar morning-pure and bright.


Hast heard the voices of the fen,
That softly sing a lethal rune
Where reeds have caught the fallen moon—
A song more sweet than conium is,

Sunset Over Farm-Land

Over fields newly ploughed,
Pools of golden leaf-green
Broaden in the mallow cloud.

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