Colette Dright Poems

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There comes a time when we let go
And no longer feel what we thought we know

I know he's the one, he knows I'm the best


Saying stuff over and over makes you think a person didn't get it, but it's just that they didn't care to get it. You said all you could say, you wrote it in a letter, sent it in a text. You dial the number, they don't answer, you wait, still no answer. No call, no reply and yo dumb self sitting wondering why. Five minutes later, you call again. You are - Pete the Repeat.

Your mind starts to wonder, you don't know what to think, all you know is yo feelings are hurt. Now because you are not reassured, you become insecure. You finally communicate and immediately begin asking the same questions from before and saying the same thing in a different manner, and with no luck, you are left alone to figure it out.
You are - Pete the Repeat.

With Thanks

The words are many so how do we begin
To express the gratitude and thanks that's within
The work and pressures of everyday life is hard for some to bear
So it's good to have a boss like you, someone who truly cares


Should I leave or should I stay?
Stay for who? Stay for what?
Leave to go where? Leave to do what?
Do what you feel, follow your gut

Dear Momma

Words are many so how do we begin to express the love we feel within. We are truly blessed, grateful and thankful. Yes, we are blessed beyond measure, for God has given us His best secret treasure.
The most wonderful gift of all is the one we are proud to call - Momma.

We thank God for all that you are. You are a beautiful, courageous, strong, compassionate woman. Thank you for being our light when we couldn't see, for instilling in us to be all that we could be. When things are right and even when wrong, we are glad we have you to lean on. You have been there for us so many times and in so many ways, for some of our most happiest moments and even our saddest days.


Mother you were always there to dress me, feed me, comb my hair
To laugh and play and walk with me
To come home tired, but still talk to me
You were there to watch me grow and in my heart, I love you so

Moms - A Letter From My Daughter

This one is for the moms. The moms who put their kids before themselves, the moms who are the manager of the family, the moms who children come just to have a casual catching up conversation, or the moms their kids call first when a situation has arisen. These moms are special and deserve to be treated as such! So I am taking the time out to write this for not any mom, but the mom. My mother! She is very, very open, sociable and honest. My mom has great intentions for all situations and keeps it real. She is Godly and many have seen this just by being in her presence for even just a short time. She is so carefree and spirited that some may be taken aback when they first see this, but of course end up loving her for the amazing, fun character she is and has.

I would have to say, I have a great mom and I want her to experience a lot more than she has. Her strength is what inspires me and her confidence is something I can only imagine to some day have.
She raised my sister and brothers all on her own which shows incredible endurance and love for her kids. That's the greatest thing about my mom, she puts her kids before herself. She's selfless and rarely asks for much, for that, she deserves it all. Not only does she have a beautiful, outside appearance. She has a pure spirit filled with lots of love.

I Have A Pecan Tree

I found a pecan on the ground
I picked it up when no one was around
A young lady parked her bike and was sitting on the ground crying her heart out because her boyfriend cheated on her before and didn't want her anymore. I stopped, talked and comforted her with the words I had to say. Her tears were dried, I gave her a hug and she went on her way.

Stupid He - Stupid Me

Today I decided to get work done on my car
But a simple conversation was taken too far
Got damn Stupid He always wanna start with me
He needs to learn how to let things be

Credit Card

Sometimes I'm lost in all this commotion in the world
I am very important
I am meaningful and thought about daily
And I don't like to be denied

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