Colette Dright Poems

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Don't Muffle The Messenger - The Poet

Poetry is the freedom of expression and should not be limited by anything, especially by characters.

Poetry is expressed through feelings, emotions and or experiences and can also be expressed from sound, vision or thoughts. There should not be a limitation on poetry. Being able to express yourself to the fullest does not always have to make cents ¢¢¢. But it does make sense to the poet to use however many necessary wordings needed to get the message across. A poet should not have to feel the need to "say less" nor should they have to shorten or limit their gift of writing.

Beige, Brown, Cream, Tan...

As I have walked pass or visited high-in rich subdivisions and gated communities, I have noticed all the homes are from the same color bracket. They are either beige, brown, cream, tan, camel, oatmeal, caramel, taupe… or a mixture of these colors, like half brown, half beige… Have you noticed that as well? I wonder if that is an HOA requirement? To me, it makes all the houses look the same and the whole subdivision looks bland.

Why can't there be some diversity, brightness and excitement to those bland, boring subdivisions? Why can't the homeowner have a choice or say so as to what color they prefer their 2.3 million dollar home to be? People should be able to paint their property to their personality. Yes… Dare to be different!

You Got

You ever had a neighbor, a friend, a family member or somebody that always wanna know if "you got? "

You got $5.00 til Friday, you got milk, you got some soap powder, you got a egg, you got cooking oil, you got some plies I can use, you got a lawn mower, you got 2 slices of bread I can borrow… Borrow?

Everybody Loves Raymond

I never knew how this could be true
Until I myself began to love Raymond too
The last man to kiss on these sweet lips
The passion and excitement of him I truly miss


Did you do Lyft today?
The word 'Lyft' has a whole new meaning. This is something we all should be doing, every day, throughout the day.

The other day, my son said he was going do Lyft. Now mind you, no matter how many times I have heard him say that, for some reason, at this particular moment, my thinking shifted to 'Lift.' I then said, make sure when you do that, that is what you do.


So many people have been so ready to get rid of 2020. Many say this was the worst year ever, but was it really? In the midst of thinking of how bad 2020 was and all that was wrong with this year, let's reflect and review. And while doing so, ask yourself, why are YOU still here?

I personally found 2020 a challenging year of revelation and growth for many. Many were taken out of their 'comfort zone' and that was the beginning of what I call 'The Shift.' So many people were not ready or prepared to adjust to 'The Shift.' The everyday norm soon became a nightmare. Many thought this could not and would not ever happen to them. Cooperate jobs were cut, people laid off, businesses closed. The certain, became uncertain. The upper class became lower class. Poverty, homelessness, unemployment, hunger, food stamps, uggh! Many were in for a rude awakening. 2020 has been a year where stress, frustration levels and prayers were raised to a higher height. People prayed like never before. And people got agitated and frustrated like never before. Relationships on edge. Doubtfulness, worry and uncertainty plagued homes. God was on speed dial and redial. Many were challenged, but the question was, could you balance the challenge? Adjusting to 'The Shift' meant, you had to balance, balance bills with little to no income, idle time, being unemployed, working from home, virtual learning, restless children (always hungry) and more.

Father, For This Year - We Thank You

Father, for all the things this year has brought
For the things we have learned and the things we have taught
For the times we have laughed and the times we have cried
For the times we have wondered without knowing why

Blessed, But Some Of Yall Missed The Mark

Looking over 2020, this year I…
I cooked on the stove and I pushed the button on the microwave
(Either way, I was blessed to have options)
I clicked a light switch on (Blessed to have electricity)

They Don't Know

There are times in life when you will come across or even be around people who 'Don't know.' And when you do, it's okay. Understand, everybody won't know you know you, and because they don't, don't get mad or take it personal. They may only know you up to the level of their perception of you, and that too is okay. As long as YOU know you, that should be what matters.

Some people don't know or see the good in a person until that person is gone away from them and don't have dealings with them anymore. In some cases, they later realize they lost or missed out on a good thing and it was because they didn't know at that time. If they don't know or see the value and asset you bring to their life or to their company, then that is their lost.

Just Saying

I am blessed and grateful I know where my energy lies.
I just wish there was just as much energy focused on God that is on the inauguration, white supremacy, Trump, the impeachment, social media and all these other distractions.

The enemy's number one target is the mind. Guard your mind. Stay prayed up.

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