By: Concepcion C. Camasin

Although most students dislike Math subject,
I can not say all of them would reject,

By: Concepcion C. Camasin

Teacher's beliefs, practices and attitudes

When I was born I never counted even a single corn,
When I crawled I began to count one, two three and four,
Then I realized number flowed like horrible horn,
from my mother's lair echoing as they blown,

Concepcion C. Camasin

My family is my strength in living,
Its my life at the very beginning,

By: Concepcion C. Camasin

You are the gems in my classroom,

By: Concepcion C. Camasin

This study was conducted to determine the dynamics of mentoring the mentors in school considering different stages of mentoring such as Personal Development Plan, Self-Management of Learning, Implementing and Supporting Personal Development Plan and Evaluation for Success. The respondents were 20 schools heads enrolled at Capitol University during summer 2014.

By: Concepcion C. Camasin
The study investigated the teaching methodologies employed by mathematics teachers and its effect in the academic performance of the students at Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School, Division of Gingoog City for the school year 2014-2015.
Descriptive Method of research was used in the study. Teaching style questioners were adapted from Honey and Mumford Teaching Styles Models (2006) and revised to fit the respondents. An in-depth unstructured interview was conducted to maximize the gathering of information about the teaching methods used by teachers. There were 5 mathematics teacher-respondents of the study and they were selected purposively. The data gathered were analyzed and categorized to what type of approaches is used.

Knowledge of Mathematics:
A subject everyone has aversion of;
But successful Math teacher has closet of number in wisdom,
To explain concepts and processes to each learner,

A Follower:
When a teacher enters the gate in teaching,
The veniyard is green and full of keen,
The sparkle of one's eyes is beleguered,

By Concepcion C. Camasin

Education to me is Knowledge,
Knowledge of learning what is right from wrong,

By Concecion C. Camasin

Lord, today I offer you everything in me,
Accept my greatest gratitude to be,


A Great Math Teacher

By: Concepcion C. Camasin

Although most students dislike Math subject,
I can not say all of them would reject,
the most useful subject in the entire planet,
All of us must agree that numbers serve as magnet,
bringing everyone updated through numbers in internet.

Here comes the Great Math Teacher,
Swicthing positive mindset of learners,
From all negative intriguers,
into positive problem solvers,
making all learners the Great Math Lovers!

Great Math Teacher is Mathematically knowlegeable,
All signs and numerical symbols are balanceable,
those uniqueness is both noticeable,
From himself and to his learners are inimaginable
Math Teacher, You're truly a learner's idol!




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