Consuelo Roland

Consuelo Roland Poems

The best houses I have lived in
and loved in
and almost died in
are the houses that rise unbidden

Yonks ago,
On a beach in the land of sugar cane,
A girl
Wore a purple

How fast we went
My mother and I
- Merrily, merrily, merrily
Trundling along in our VW beetle

Ma chère Amélie

How brave you are!
I could not be that brave,

Woe begotten thumb-sucking
infant house
Your parents have divorced.

The Best Poem Of Consuelo Roland

Houses I Have Lived In

The best houses I have lived in
and loved in
and almost died in
are the houses that rise unbidden
from the swamps
of unkempt dreams.

They are almost always exceptionally tall
with several floors
and underground vaults
with stairs leading to water
of unplumbed depths
and little rivulets.

One stood in the gardens at Versailles, with all the
aplomb of a Fabergé egg.

Another loomed, a chilly Edgar Allan Poe masterpiece, its
subterranean chambers waterlogged

Yet another stood skew as Mother Hubbard's old shoe, its
staircases crooked and its cupboards empty

With a lover's stealth I have dwelt in such overnight houses,

They have come to me ready formed,

And I have pursued such treasure
as cried out to be found.

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