Crystal Johnson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Angels Must Exist

I tried to spread my wings and fly
But I crashed into a wall
It seems like every time I try
I fail and then I fall

You'Re Killing Me

You act like I'm invisible
When you see me in the hall
I know that you're ignoring me
'Cause I'm different from you all

The Test

Dont cry my children
You're safe with me
Your chains are broken
You now are free


Sometimes I wake up screaming
I'm terrified of dreams
They remind me of what I'll never have
And now I cannot sleep.

I Need You Here

I pray each night before I sleep
I hope it does some good
I cry and plead to bring you back
But God wont listen like he should


This is for every girl that has gossiped about me.
This is for every boy that has ever broken my heart.
This is for all the friends that I thought I had, but in the end just turned out to be backstabbers.
This is for all the people that told me I couldn’t make it.

I Am

I am unwanted.
No matter where I go, I always screw things up.
I am alone.
I could be in a room full of a thousand people and still be all by myself.

I Don'T Bother

I look into the mirror, ashamed of what I see.
I'm looking at the face of someone I don't want to be.

I stare into the glass and I have this continuous urge to break it.

Inside The Mirror

I look at this girl before me
She's familiar, yet unknown
She's reaching out to touch me
She's abandoned and alone

Looking In

Looking through the window,
I'm urged to break the glass.
I hate their perfect smiles
And how they always seem to last.

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