Crystal Tutson Poems

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You Got Me....

mesmerized by your ambience
emerged in your essence
swallowed up by your swagger
a pierced heart includes you love dagger


Time is like a snail
Like a cold day in hell
Slowly passing by
Like watching a widow swing at a fly

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Unstable creatures don't know which way to go,
Paranoid chicks afraid to decipher the know.
People are so relentless disheveling to get players on a team
But just because you have a hundred plus what is that suppose to mean?

? ? Questions? ? Unfulfilled? ?

No one knows what its like to be me, they interpret and
try to duplicate but its only one you see.

Life feels like a rejecter warehouse, an assembly line but once

Nightmares! !

I here the pound
The pound, the echo sound
That's bouncing around
Please stop the pound!


My interest was piqued

My hormones started raging


Pain—sharpen but yet dull and painless.
So numb to the pain given to my body that instead of rejecting it, my heart automatically accepts the pain.
Like medicine to the soul, pain seems to be my healer.
Pain seems to bring together life and death.

My Prayer!

Lord, I need you to hug me until my body becomes sore.
Tell me I will make it through the pain, the sorrow, and the disappointment. Embrace my tears and clear away the abrupt rapture of loneliness.
Encamp around my heart a cushion so that no matter how many times it is thrown or bounced around it never breaks.
Bury my heart in your heart so I can feel and embrace the love given to me.

A. Pierced. Heart.

An irreparable hole dug in my heart,
emotions escaping tearing me apart.
I never thought our paths would end this way,
I was excited about you, I was literally gay.

Chess Game

It's like I just wasn't enough
All along I'm pretending trying to play tough,

But the truth of the mater is I'm hurt.

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