Curtis Johnson Poems

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Come Find Me In My Solitude

Come And Find Me In My Solitude
Curtis Johnson

None knew who or what, how or why, nor how long;

Unforgetable Delta Blue

Unforgettable Delta Blue Curtis Johnson
Many musical giants sprang from small places in the region of my birth.
I heard some of them live as they played their guitar or harmonica.

Where I Want To Go

Where I Want To Go Curtis Johnson
I have often thought I would like to visit Amish country I have heard of a unique brand and portrait of people there In spite of their simple way of life, no one goes hungry It would be great to visit before I'm too old and gray to care
I know that my chosen spot is not a fancy far away place However, it is not about places or things, but about people It's about down shifting my hasty life and slowing the pace Perhaps I'll observe a tree harvest of slow dripping maple
May I be taken back to a different time, a different land Who knows? Perhaps I wont even like it; but I just might Perhaps I will see things more clearly and better understand Maybe I will discern more clearly between what's wrong or right

Dixie Born

Dixie Born
Curtis Johnson
Black History Month 2017
Dear Delta Dixie:

Sweet Inspiration

Sweet Inspiration Curtis Johnson
As I was taking my daughter home one day, she said to me, 'Until then.' I was expressing my own frustration by questioning her ability to get along in life without my assistance. I wondered out loud with her about how long it might take for her to be fully emancipated. Yes, she was on her own with three kids, but it seemed to me that her reliance on my services needed to be curtailed. Her reply indicated to me that she would be utilizing me as long as I was available. I was deeply moved and inspired by those two words. I came to realize in a very personal and close-up way that 'her growth and maturity' was greatly linked to the word 'Then'. Since that moment, I have been more aware that emancipation is a two-way process. I also became more cognicent of allowing the 'Then Time' to come more sooner than later.
Late one night after I had picked him up from work, my oldest son said, 'Dad, I do not need you to be my news reporter'. Those words were in response to my repeated attempts to 'remind him' of some of his obligations. In a very passionate tone, he was informing me that he was now an adult and no longer required such reminders. On that particular night, I was indeed the one being taught to 'grow up'.
'Dad, you need to losen up a bit and be more flexible'. Such were the reply of my youngest son when I questioned his inability to return straight home after being sent on a mission. He was a new driver, and I was a 'worrier'. Up to that point, I was indeed an A, B, C and 1,2,3 type of person. Since that night, I have learned to 'Chill'; and sometimes I might even skip A and B, or forget about 3 and jump to 7. I thought 'Father knows best'.

Next Page

Next Page Curtis Johnson
Undoubtedly, the earth is round, and massive amounts of waters abound.
Me thinks it's true that one day time shall be no more. And me think that 'mere olivion' may be the dying wish
of thosing claiming to be the 'master of their own ship'. But in eternity's world, there can be only 'One Master'.

That Day Is Gone

From the beginning of my day it appeared that the tasks ahead were not going to be good. It seemed that a day of calm and peace was doomed from the start. The help that was required to do a good job for our customers was in doubt. The helper was due to meet me at an agreed place and time, but did not. I was therefore forced to work fast and furious, and I was rather frustrated.

I finally accepted the fact that this day would not be a piece of cake. In my haste, my mind must have turned to paste, as I chased the clock. Things became a little brighter when my helper showed up later on; and my day did indeed get better.
In the process of the race and the rush, I lost the door key of one of our customers. I had always labored to be the best, and expected the same from our helpers in business. And now, I was embarrassed, and felt lost; I felt like a failure. I had no choice except to call and apologize. I informed my most gracious client, and he said for me not to worry. I worried anyway and wandered back and forth in my mind.

Flight Training

Flight Training Curtis Johnson
Like most of God's human creatures, I too came with special features.

As if my tongue was tied with cords, I did not come with a library of words.

Delta Dixie

Dixie Born
Curtis Johnson
Black History Month 2017
Dear Delta Dixie:

What I Saw

By Curtis Johnson

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