Curtis Johnson Poems

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Beyond The Grave

Beyond The Grave
By Curtis Johnson

The Arms of Justice, so extensive, having no limits

What My Sister Taught Me

What My Sister Taught Me
By Curtis Johnson

A few years ago, one of my younger sisters said to me, "Daddy was a bully".

Valentine Song

Hi Barb:

I was walking to my car across a parking lot
It was early morning, about 6: 45 O Clock

Falling In Love

Falling In Love
By Curtis Johnson

One day many years ago, I found myself in a church pew

One Summer Night

One Summer Night

Can you believe it my dear?
The passage of time is enough to draw tears. This June, we will have been married 44 years

Restored Dreams

Restored Dreams

May the hands of God break up and smooth out your hard clods of clay.

What My Youngest Son Taught Me

What My Youngest Son Taught Me

My wife worked at a hospital at night, and I did not want her to drive herself. Our youngest son had just gotten his drivers license. So he was very excited about driving her to work. Invariably, after he dropped her off, he would never return straight home.

A Tale Of Two Cousins

A Tale of Two Cousins by Curtis Johnson

Luke* and Frank* were my cousins from two of my father's sisters.
Luke and Frank lived in the same city, and I joined them for an important family event. I had not seen nor spoken to either of them for more than 40 years. When I arrived, I telephoned Luke.

Now I Know

Some things in life are hard to swallow, I guess.
And there are others that seem impossible to digest

I just called to let you know,

Seasons Of Life

Unpleasant things of life, once completely frozen, are now thawing and melting away.

Wisdom has taught us that such things,
like ice caps, never came to stay.

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