Curtis Johnson

Curtis Johnson Poems

A Little Boy’s World
By Curtis Johnson

When I was a little boy, I was always well behaved. Well, most of the time. Being honest and respectful is the way I was raised; not to be mean, but nice and kind. I don’t know why, but I was withdrawn a lot, very quiet, emotions in a cave; but mostly, I stayed in line. I had lots of family and friends that God freely gave, and all kinds of food on which to dine.

Lovers On The Coast
By Curtis Lee Johnson

My beloved and I escaped to the north shore of the California coast.

Not forsaken And Unforgotten
By Curtis L. Johnson, Sr.

There is a little town not very far off the beaten path. Neither gold nor silver has ever been mined in or near this town of fertile delta soil. No sweet crude runs beneath its ground, but a quiet and gentle place awaits those who toil

36 Years
By Curtis Johnson

When the facts and figures did not add up

The Apple Tree
By Curtis Johnson

I do not know why, but for the longest time, it has been assumed that I was in the Garden of Eden. I’ve been seen in gardens, orchards, and the yards of many people, but there is no proof that I was ever in Eden.

Country Sweet Soul
By Curtis Lee Johnson

Began in a country town right next to a corn mill

Above And Beyond
By Curtis Johnson

Above us, lightning was dazzling, blinking, and picturesque.

24 Hours of Power
By Curtis Johnson

He was strong, loving, merciful, and he was God

I Believe In You- A short letter to America
By Curtis Johnson

Dear America,

Winter On Display
By Curtis Johnson

There I stood, quietly and still, with a frozen stare through my patio door.

Dear Barbara
By Curtis Johnson

When a man loves a woman:

The Two Of Us
By Curtis Johnson

I can see us now, sitting out back under the fruitless mulberry tree. Whether sitting side by side in lawn or rocking chairs, we are talking, smiling, and occasionally, holding hands.

So many people,
searching for the elusive.

So many worries,

I See A Church
By Curtis Johnson

I lay there, quietly and very much awake, having gotten into bed just a few minutes prior. I looked toward the clock on the dresser, and it was 11: 51 PM. I do not know if it was a vision, but it was clearly not a dream. I was sensitive to my surroundings and did not want to disturb my sleeping wife. So I continued to lie there as words and sentences formed themselves on the pages of my mind. Four leading words, “I See A Church” were the four words and that was the subject of it all. Since I do not know, I will leave its meaning to God; but I was certain that I was to share this with my Pastor first. I believe that it is from God, and now in condensed form, I share it with you. This is what I received:

Who Is She?
By Curtis Johnson

No. She’s not simply your good and nice neighbor next door.


Come, O Come, Dear God
By Curtis

I still believe and always will.

Don’t Stop, A Letter To My Wife
By Curtis Johnson

Dear Barbara

By Curtis Johnson

By Curtis Johnson

Who am I really? Who does everyone think I am, and what do they think I'm really like? Do I even know? Stay tunnnnned.

From a front roe seat, there was not the least of an eye strain. In a familiar place, I observed what appeared to be bullet trains.
In plain view, seated in a church pew among the wise and the few. They were racing through and around what 'once upon a time'.
throughout the land were 'Holy places and sanctuaries most divine'. Their headlights were bright but also both deceptive and delusional.
Their railways were dark, and only the 'elect' could clearly see and detect the reality of an orchastrated and demented intent.

The Best Poem Of Curtis Johnson

A Little Boy's World

A Little Boy’s World
By Curtis Johnson

When I was a little boy, I was always well behaved. Well, most of the time. Being honest and respectful is the way I was raised; not to be mean, but nice and kind. I don’t know why, but I was withdrawn a lot, very quiet, emotions in a cave; but mostly, I stayed in line. I had lots of family and friends that God freely gave, and all kinds of food on which to dine.

In my home town, some roads and streets were paved, but most were dusty and gravel ones, with no street sign.

There were lots of little things so treasured and divine; like loving to watch my father when he shaved. Perhaps I was looking forward to the day when the boy would become a man, and daddy’s shaver would become my own.

Whether I was right or wrong, grandma always came to my aid.
There have always been wonderful grandmas, but I think none as great as mine. The love I experienced, I could never trade; But there was another world beyond my family and friends; A dark world with enough hate to blow your mind. But that's a story of a different kind.

But God and my folks put love in us; and out of hate, we were never made. My two-faced world was still among the best worlds one could ever find. There were things of which to be afraid, and I was not that brave. But it always paid to be aware of what was out there, and fear was not a crime.

There was never much money to spend and none to save, but we didn’t whine, and somehow we managed just fine. cj08252015

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