Danny Speicher Poems

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I Will Resign

A little tear here, another drop there
The sobbing doesn’t often last too long
A short bridge between verses of a song
But, hurt I feel, then, I don’t dare to share

They Just Fade Away

In this world where good folks are hard to find
And role models fail us day after day
All the more rare to find a true hero
Thank God they don't die, they just fade away

How To Just Survive

Choke back those tears my brother, my sister
Don’t show emotion in this cold, cold place
Don’t tip your hand that they’ve gotten to you
Don’t stand apart from this dead human race

Lonely Autumn

Slate grey sky over an overcast heart
A new day dawning somewhere in the world
Here, only wishing that new day would start
Instead clouds, above, unfold and unfurl

A Prayer For America,2017

Father, our Giver of all that is good
And Creator and Sustainer of life
We come humbly before you on this day
And lay before you our struggles and strife

Kalends Of March

Oh, kalends of March with your dreary dew
Familiar heavenly teardrops
Both soaking and parching my mournful heart
I, too, cry until the ducts fail and stop

Sing Me A Song

Sing me a song so I can sleep tonight
Tell me stories of mystery or woe
So, for a moment, my troubles may go
And, just once, all in my world might seem right

Wilted Flower

Late last night while fast asleep, visions came
My last love dying on the cold, hard street
Running to her as my heart quickly beat
I quietly whispered the sweetest name

Lonely Winter

Lonely is my heart
Empty is my hope
It seems each turn is blocked
Trapped by emotions I can't cope

I, Once, Dreamt A Dream

I, once, dreamt a dream that dreamers oft dream
Of loving and living a lovely life
A house, my children and a caring wife
I, once, dreamt a dream that dreamers oft dream

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