David Harris Poems

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It Comes - Part 2

(It is suggested that the reader reads Part 1 first)

August 1979

Stripe Me Pink

We have to be careful
with whatever we say
as it might happen to us one day.
I knew a fellow once

Angel In The Sky

I walked home last night
as the dark clouds of night descended.
There above the horizon I saw
a cloud shaped like an angel


Everyone needs recognition
for the things that they do
especially by those who matter most.
If they ignore you, call you second best

We Rarely See

In our busy world, we rarely see
what is right before our eyes.
The sky that leaks its teardrops
to cleanse and refresh the day.

Closed Doors Of The Mind

No one knows what goes on behind
the closed doors of the mind.
Thoughts that sometimes inspire
the deeds that transpires.

The Mumble Syndrome (Fun Poem 104)

Do you ever get one of those days
when the brain runs amok
and the tongue won’t get into gear
and all you can utter is gibberish

My Canadian Chronicles 22

Sometimes we go to places
to meet strangers
whom have come into our lives
never knowing what we might find.

The Fire Burning

Come in when you see the fire burning,
come in and sit awhile.
There is a kettle always on the go
and some stories to make you smile.

Touch A Dream

Once you’ve touched a dream
and know its reality,
you want to go back
and touch it again and again.

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