David Harris Poems

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As we wander merrily down
life’s long and winding road,
we will meet with intimidation
from people close at hand.

Forms (Fun Poem 38)

Our lives are filled with forms
we have to fill in, almost on a daily basis.
Most want a detailed description
of our entire life.

My Only Love

You are not my first love,
but you are my last and only love.
I have stolen kisses from other girls in the past,
but from you my love, I want to steal your heart.


Everyone pictures angels
with angelic faces, golden hair,
a pair of wings and a head
surrounded by an aura of gold.

Peaceful Waters

The river of life runs long and narrow
with twists and turns here and there.
Sometimes it hits rapids,
sometimes it hit’s a falls,

My Best Friends

For JoAnn and Meggie

There are two young ladies
I think of as my best friends.

Have A Drink On Me (Fun Poem 58)

Started out this morning
feeling mighty glum,
late to work, everything went wrong.
Thought the day would never end.

Hot Water

Sometimes we get in hot water
over things we say inadvertently.
You’ll say something with a double meaning
and you can bet your bottom dollar

I Am Nasty And Rotten To The Core

I am nasty and rotten to the core
they didn’t call me dodgy for nothing.
I run about and shout a lot;
recently I took lessons on how to be a bitch,

Every Picture

Every picture tells a story
whether it be a painting or photograph.
If you look hard enough
you’ll see what it says.

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