David Keig Poems

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Kerry Packer

Kerry Packer was the richest man in Australia until he died the other year.....

I sometimes think of Kerry Packer

It Was In Tongues He Spoke

'Open your heart to the Lord', he said
Leave behind unfaithful friends
Evil spirits i command thee
To allow this soul to mend'.

A Singular Man

He stood on the edge of Beachy Head
But this was not the sunshine day he had expected
It was windswept and rain threatened
He had wanted to smile

I Like Cake

I like cake
I like sweet things
I like those tastes
That on my taste buds sing

Christmas Blues

Well, I woke up this morning
And i set off to the shops
But, Lord, though it's just November
They've put out all their Christmas stock.

My T Shirt

I loved
My maroon t-shirt
I loved the fit
The cloth

Sub-Atomic Particles

I dreamed i was a neutron
inside an atom's heart
surrounded by electrons
their force pulling me apart

The Consultation

‘How are you feeling in general? ’ he asked.

‘Pretty good most of the time then I get these occasional black periods when nothing makes sense and I fear the worst’ I replied.


He was a strong and gentle man
With strong and gentle hands
He was a leading journalist
A carreer he had not planned

Science Is Boring

There's something bothers all of us
And that is this thing called calculus
At school we wonder why on earth
This subject might have any worth

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