David Knox Poems

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The Elevator

Doors open
Doors close
The relieving sound dings
The bell rings

The Thoughts Unsaid (A Screamo Song)

You don't have to say it it's already a scar
You don't have to hear in your mind or your soul
Because these are: THESE ARE
The thoughts unsaid

Salt Is.... Just Salty

There's so much in this world I cannot explain
The greatest scholars try in vain
Not because the knowledge is so loft
Not because we're growing soft

Wounds, Fears, Tears, And Redemption

I'll return to the place I feel safe
But that place is unsafe
It's a place of control
Where I console

The Piece Just Under The Top Right Corner

I was 'Shattered' I'm the mirror
There's broken pieces everywhere
I'm just shards now
I hold onto these shards with my hand and grip them tightly

God Has Such Amazing Faith

We talk about believing in God
Believing in lies believing in truth,
Being a living sacrifice, putting our full trust in something that we
Cannot even see

Open Book's Monologue Part 4 Bookkeeping

Regular written books or a regular written novel
Could sell
But each copy would essentially be the same
And the words stagnant, unable to change, in a sense lame

Just Another Day

It's a day like any other, A day to expect
It's full of surprises

Just Can'T Help It

Honestly I try to react normal and act how I feel
But when you smile I can't help but reciprocate
Sad or pensive, glad or enraged.... i don't mean to complicate
The Simple fact, but this is a dsease from which i cannot heal

How Could I Tell You?

How could I tell you that this time
This rhyme
Is written just for you
When there are so many before too

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