David Lewis Paget Poems

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The Eclipse

‘My thoughts are often consumed by death
And the dark side of the Moon, '
I said to Jane as she sensed my pain
On that Sunday afternoon,

The Hulks

I was wandering down by Woolwich
Next to a magistrate, one time,
The smell, it was overpowering
From the hulks that lay in line,

The Concubine

Chen Xiao Fei while the sun does shine
Was taken as the Emperor's concubine,
Just one of a hundred from the village Yang Ping
And chosen by the placing of a bright gold ring.

Blind Man's Buff

I remember as a child we used to
Play out in the square,
In the sleepy little village
Someone christened Uno Ware,

Up In The Attic

I took a room in a boarding house
In a seedy part of town,
I hadn't worked for a month or so
And was feeling rather down,

The Peterloo Massacre

The people marched to St. Peter's Field
On a fair and a sunny day,
They'd gone to listen to Henry Hunt
A radical, in his way,

The Master Of Hounds

Deep in the village of Darkling
Where the Squires and their Ladies rule,
No-one comes out in the eventime
Unless they’re a brazen fool,

The Hart Midsummer Fair

‘Just where do you think you’re going, girl
With those ribbons in your hair? ’
‘I’m off to the world of Make Believe
To the Hart Midsummer Fair.

The Secret Women's Clique

Her skin was dark and her hair was black,
She walked with a Spanish sway,
‘She could be from South America, ’
I would hear the neighbours say,

Anzac Cove

They spent the night on the Prince of Wales
Not one of them slept a wink,
Packed like herrings against the rails
It was hard to even think,

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