David Olusanya Poems

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What Then Now, If I Die?

What then now, if I die?
Cheerfully taking the tomb to lie.
Do not feel in your heart too sorry,
or saddle your spirit with worry.

Keep Up A Smile

Life might a poignant plane,
dressed with ditches to have your slain;
Never waste your wits to weep,
else you drench in life's direful deep.

A Dreaming Dream

I stood in the middle of the center,
Sucked my food from a poisoned placenta.
Yet I live!
Because I believe;

These Words That I Write

These words that I write,
they are life and they are light.
These things that I do,
they are of the world I woo.

Though Your Beauty Springs Like Roses

Though your beauty springs like roses,
it will soon, like smoke do fade.
When all your manners and luxurious poses,
are denied all attention paid.

Where Is My Love, My Princess, My Pride?

Where is my love, my princess, my pride?
Long have I, her smile been denied.
When shall I have her breathe on me again?
For I'm heavy of strife, grieve and pain.

I Will Never Leave You Alone

I'll never make sacrifices as a loser.
Leave not your love in the middle of cold.
You will never be a loser,
Alone with someone beautiful and bold.

In Remembrance Of Rebecca

Another month of remembrance;
a damned decade of endurance.
A ten year mire of waiting;
pathetic moments of hating.

She Is All A Creature Divine

Fresh from my oven,
it's another bread of life.
Thanks I'm your chosen,
though I'm still without a wife.

A Repented Refugee

I have had no home to stay,
since I left and went astray.
I'm now a roaming refugee,
with plaintive palms of apology.

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