David Olusanya Poems

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It Has Been A While

It has been a while,
Since I roamed into exile.
And I have missed your smile,
and your spicy romantic style.

Will You Leave Me In The Cold?

Will you leave me in the cold,
and chase me out of your heart?
Will you be that strong and bold,
to let me wander on the earth?

For Me Girl Dat Begirl Me

Halo, me hearty honey,
wai you are skas like money?
Me tink you so much in me hed,
when you walk from me and fled.

Sing Him Strings Of Sublime Hail

Sing Him strings of sublime hail,
born to men in flesh so frail.
Jesus Christ, what gorgeous grace,
gift of God, to all embrace.

Little Children

Little children, don't be swayed
from the path that Christ had laid.
For his blood had washed your skin
from the scathing stripes of sin.

From Heaven's Street

From heaven's street, sprang a song
by a mighty angels' throng:
"Glory, glory to the king,
whom is born for bliss to bring.

To The Tyrant Called Time

This to the tyrant called time;
Hope you'll pause to read this rhyme,
and come to dine at my banquet table;
Garnished with wine, beef and vegetable.

Life, You Old Haughty Horse

Life, you old haughty horse,
a savage stallion without remorse.
Will you not wait awhile and be calm,
at the sedative stroke of my palm?

Hear These Things Life Made Me Learn

Hear these things life made me learn,
and after them, you too must yearn.

When life pierce you with the spear of pestilence,

A Life In Time, A Time In Life

Life is a chief
Time is a thief.
You need the thief
to cheat the chief;

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