David Ugba

David Ugba Poems

There is an unknown God
Who saw your shame
When you were pushed down and stripped naked
Who watched in pains

If I have led you out of dream
Into the path of painful love
Forgive me.
If I have burnt your script

The bell has chimed long in wonder
On earth’s ponderous esplanade

Yet I bear my injuries

A new sun
Bought with blood

Do not look back at Sodom
The city of foolish questions
Where mysteries are burnt
Before the Angels of love

He holds my hands and leads me
To the musicality of his love.
He codes my sound to his life
As sea birds coo to their seas


Is there anyone amongst us
To raise the oval laughter of happy souls


At the eleventh hour
We left to where we'd seen your tongue beautiful sun

Clothed with orange - splendour

Ask not when, man
Wrapped in dumbness
Along an endless day
Ask not when, man


We have come back to you
O hub of creation


II saw his golden dreams crumbled
In his world like a castle in the wind
And the common cord that binds man
To his creator was broken away

David Ugba Biography

Author's Biography DAVID UGBA is a Nigerian born poet, lawyer, and motivational speaker. He studied law in University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. He started his writing career as a poet before he went into other genres of writing. Some of his works have featured extensively in Nigerian newspapers and international anthologies in United States of America. Some of his poems could be found in www.poetry.com. He worked with the United Nations African Mission in Sudan (UNAMID) as a Police advisor under the Nigerian contingent from 1st January 2008 to 7th July 2009. He believes that poetry and other works of art should be created for the enrichment of human souls and minds; it must support the growth of our body and spirit. Every other work that promotes hatred, sad feelings, and negative emotions must be discouraged. He also believes that the sacrifices we make for others are our true joy of living; and that God's greatest gift to us is our mind.)

The Best Poem Of David Ugba

Unknown God

There is an unknown God
Who saw your shame
When you were pushed down and stripped naked
Who watched in pains
When your heart was full of tears

There is an unknown God
Who was moved by your tears
When the whole world mocked you
Who saw your heart
When you were falsely accused

There is an unknown God
Who stooped to your pains
When you were tired and resting
Who felt your heartbeat
When it was going and hurting

There is an unknown God
Who wiped your tears when you looked into his eyes
Who lifted you up above the storms of sorrows
When you hold on to him and cry "Daddy"

There is an unknown God
Who sees your heart
When you speak the truth
Who knows your heart
When it is full of love or hate

There is an unknown God
Who will quench the flame of your hunger
When you shall lift up your cup to his mercies
Who will fill the hot well of your thirst
When you come to his river

He is at the door of your heart
Knocking and waiting

Open and call him by Name:
' Lord Jesus Christ
The savior of my soul'

He will answer by fire
And abide with you forever

David Ugba Comments

Blessings Godman 12 May 2019

Great and very inviting poetry

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